quarta-feira, 4 de maio de 2011


1- A Dublin Arena:

"Work began on the new venue in 2007. The south, east and west stands are to have four tiers of seating for spectators, while the north stand comprises just one low-level tier to reflect its proximity to local housing. Pitch floodlighting has been incorporated into these stands, while transport links to and from the ground have been improved. International football returned to the venue on 11 August 2010 when Ángel di María's 20th-minute goal earned Argentina a 1-0 friendly win against Ireland."

Portanto, um jogador acabadinho de sair do Benfica fez o primeiro golo internacional num estádio acabadinho de remodelar, no dia do aniversário do meu pai.

1 comentário:

Ricardo disse...

E um bigode para Dublin, já que o último bigode teve de ficar remetido à solidão do desespero?

Sai bigode para Dublin e não se fala mais nisso. E, se se falar, será bom sinal.